Beyond The Farms
Everything starts with the soil. One of the advantages of doing our organic farming is having complete control over seed. We complete control over securing the whole processing from seed to shelf.

Everything Starts with The Soil, from The Purest, Bringing The Finest to You
We have dedicated our energies to furthering an already in-depth knowledge of organic, enabling us to training and socializing range of workshops able to meet the specific needs of our farmers who determinedly face complex and unpredictable challenges in order to achieve their production, quality and sustainability targets. It is with confidence and awareness that we actively engaged in the study of impoverishment of soils, organic fertilizer and awareness of control on productions safety hazards. Always keeping in mind the concepts of sustainable organic agriculture and local circular economy.

We complete control over securing the whole processing from seed to shelf.

One of the advantages of doing our organic farming is having complete control over seed.

We believe we need to be “big enough to do it right”. This means bringing as many processes in-house as possible.
Contact us
+62 8 1234 6 00060